Dedicated & Going Deeper-

       Full Six-Session Package

        with Rebecca


This session package contains four live sessions and two audio sessions that are all uniquely attuned to you. Live sessions also include a recording for replay.

    Water the Seeds of Your Most Authentic, Empowered Life.

    Dedicated & Going Deeper is a practical, comprehensive session package that allows you to advance your potential, remove blockages, increase your abilities and open your heart - while also slowing down your mind. Work with Rebecca in a guided, step by step progression with sessions spaced appropriately to accommodate your individual needs, personal growth intentions and integration time. 

    Invest in your own Awakening.

    Step into your Purpose.

    Your life's fullest flowering awaits.

    Each individual Dedicated & Going Deeper Package includes:

    1. Akashic Record / Soul Counsel Reading (Live)

    The Beginning. Gain deeper understanding of your strengths and vulnerabilities. Receive guidance and find your power. Attune to deeper callings that reverberate across lifetimes. Find your way and see clearly.

    2. Inner Child Session (Live)*

    Explore, receive and heal. Welcome yourself home.

    Your child aspects become wise guides. Tools for moving forward.

    3. Quantum Healing Session (Live)

     Be held by higher frequencies and let go of old burdens. Attune more deeply to your authentic self and lighten your energetic load. Awaken your senses and intuition. Gentle yet strong. Be nourished.

    4.  Astral Journey (Audio)

    Let your body, breath and heart take you naturally into new dimensions. Experience yourself in a whole new way. Be transported and open your vision; be prepared to have your mind blown in the best of ways. Beyond space and time - and also beyond description.

    5. Starseed Coaching Session*

    Practical guidance for the path ahead. Pragmatic support for an ascending life, tying together your aspirations with what to work on going forward. Reminders of your gifts and connections to galactic friends.

    6.  Personal Light Language Transmission & Guided Meditation (Audio)

    Ongoing support for your path, helping you expand yourself and keep you on track. The place to come home to when you need a helping hand. Remember your light.

    *Inner Child and Starseed Coaching Sessions can be exchanged for further Akashic Reading/Soul Counsel Sessions where desired and appropriate.


    Session Feedback:

    "I am blown away by my session with you.  I have listened to the recording so many times already!  I feel so very nurtured and nourished.  I am both in awe of your abilities and exhilarated by them. Everything was so accurate in the reading - you literally read me like a book!  What you said about my purpose resonates so much and I’m excited for my healing journey to unfold. Thank you, Rebecca from my whole heart and soul, I hope my words are enough how fortunate I feel to have come across your work." -JG

    "You know there’s much difference between traditional inner child trauma work and the spiritual soul retrieval inner child work that you do.  It's easier than I thought to integrate this new healing knowledge. I’m soooo glad the universe brought us together! So grateful! And I’m going to keep going!" -DD

    "Thank you so much for your incredible multidimensional healing yesterday. It was simultaneously magical to experience your energy, inspiring to feel your genuine goodness of heart, and so joyful to connect!  Your gifts are amazing. Your ability to perceive so deeply and to facilitate healing in such a quantum way was so supportive. I really felt that shift so viscerally and am feeling the reverberations of the healing continue.  -LW

    ""Rebecca, I don't even know where to start. There's so much to unpack from this Astral Journey! I felt this sense of remembrance. When you brought up the spiritual warrior aspect of me, I got an intense body sensation. This is where I get my warrior spirit from. I feel this deep remembrance within my soul. Seeing and feeling my beautiful light-body Lyran family I got a little emotional. Then the inter-dimensional Tibetan pyramid! That got me pretty emotional too. I just started crying. There is a lot to process in this magical/galactic/words-can't-describe Journey. I don't have the words to express how grateful, blessed and thankful I am. From my soul to yours, ♥" -LD

    "Thank you so sincerely for this coaching session.  I have listened to it again on the recording all the way through and then in a few parts at a time to absorb all of the complexity. I know I will be returning to it many times to come. I made a bullet point list of all the things you said that are right on and resonate deeply.  I am sure you already know what an amazing gift you have!  It has already been so healing and I know that I will only continue to grow." -MG

    "I have tears running down my face as I listened to this light language session you gave to me.  I have been feeling totally empty and trying to stand strong and be there for many of my family members. The channeling said I am fragile and this really hit home for me. I know I am loved but am not getting what I need from those closest to me. I will play this recording over many times and surround myself with much needed healing light and love. It feels like a gift from heaven."  -D


    DEDICATED & GOING DEEPER - Six Progressive Sessions with Rebecca

    ($1116 value -
    ~20% savings)

    *Dedicated & Going Deeper can be paid in full or in two installments of $454.50
    Second payment due at the time of fourth session.

    Why are Rebecca's sessions priced with unique numbers? - They all add up to 9, the magical and infinite number that always, numerologically, leads back to itself.

    Powered by earth, sky and dharma.

    D O N A T E

    © Rebecca Rose Barfoot 2023

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