Drawing the Mars Mantid Elders - Revelations!

Drawing the Mars Mantid Elders - Revelations!

I have a professional background in painting and sculpture.  I haven't been creating much in recent years but have strong inspiration - building like an unstoppable tide - to illustrate my experiences from space, other planets and the varied non-terrestrial beings I've encountered.

Below is my first subject. The drawing is based on the Mantid Elders that I had interactions with on Mars.  They are an advanced insectoid race. This particular group is not original to Mars but have made their home on the red planet for so long we might call them indigenous.

As I fleshed out this drawing, I unexpectedly began to receive messages from the collective mind of the mantids.  I hadn't seen this coming, but I realize that my drawing opened a gateway for more memory to reveal itself. 

What follows is some of the direct transmission I received during the time of making this drawing.

November 10, 2022

On Mantid Origins

 “We’ve come from many places and deceptions about our origins are many.”  There is a long pause.  I have a sense of manifestation of pure energy, consciousness given form via the will and whim of the Logos.

“We were given to ourselves fully formed. We function for the improvement of all, the betterment of Creation.”  [Transcription note: I am aware that mantids have featured in some abduction scenarios.  Remember there are different groups of mantids and multiple dimensional expressions.]

I see mantids in a kind of pod... a stasis pod for a kind of safekeeping. “Survival becomes us. It is our nature to take our place in Creation, to also evolve.”

Me, “Do you come from another galaxy or solar system?”

“We exist as many and as needed. This will not truncate our survival or expression of Creation.  We are survivors.”  I get the sense that they (the mantids as a general group) have survived cataclysm after cataclysm and destruction both natural and unnatural. “We were weakened once but now we continue. We must be of benefit so we will serve you.”

I’m still looking for any physical place of origin. I’m shown a bright orange planet and an explosion. I hear like an echo, “out of reach, out of reach, out of reach.”  The meaning I intuit is a place that is out of reach of our star system. I then hear, “Planetary bodies which collided.”

“This helped disseminate us throughout the greater neighborhood of space.  It was always known we’d end up closer to Earth.  This was the design of [Creation/Logos... or some non-linear concept conveyance that is beyond conventional human language], bringing all things closer to rebirth.”  Here I have a sense of endings and beginnings.

“The end of one thing begets another. This is how we’ve ended up as many; worlds rent asunder.”  I understand that as a general group they too (as a diaspora) want for change.  I’m shown the stasis pods. Life in waiting.

And I hear, “Not the end, the beginning.”


November 11, 2022

On Maldek

As this channel came through above, I’d thought of Maldek. Was Maldek actually being psychically conveyed or was it just an associative reference?  

I understand more today in morning meditation that Maldek was “a place between here and here” and also a “bridge between worlds."  Then, "The explosion of Maldek was actually a war between factions.”


November 16, 2022

On Mind-Controlled Mantids & MDF Offense Missions

“Like this. You can see through me.” This came through late last night as if from the drawing itself.

In others words, I can see the world of the mantids through the process of bringing the being to life via pencil and paper. It’s acts as a kind of portal which grants me access to the many-faceted world of the mantids - not just those I met on Mars.

What I saw last night and now again this morning:  Mantids in a craft, manually dropping bombs or explosives out of it from the sky to ground. It feels kind of old fashioned, like a way of making war that is outdated, from Earth in a different decade. 

And they seem… to be acting on autopilot, like drones.  Something is missing. As I feel through them I recognize that they are not themselves. They are corrupted, desensitized, co-opted.  And then it hits me with sudden force, like a blow:  they were mind controlled!! 


November 17, 2022

Continuing where we left off yesterday...

Again, the mantids connect with me as I draw.  “We were tricked. We were gassed. It caused an explosion (and then) a kind of mutiny within our ranks.  Some wanted to fight. Many did not. It was a confusing time.  Many left, many were kept.”

There is an eerie sensation inside all this.

“Who would be free.  Who would be left?  We did not know.”

With this passage above, I also see that we, the base command, gassed their labyrinth. [!! Oh. No !!]  

This explains at least part of why the mantids seemed to be attacking us in our own craft that night when hell broke loose - a night ambush I recall in excruciating detail; an unforgettable firefight that seemed as though the whole world was exploding overhead - and many of us were killed at the base.

Again I see the mantids co-opted, mind-controlled. I can see how the chaos of the bombing (of their opulent  underground labyrinth) weakened them and how, in the ensuing moments of chaos, deviant things could then be done.

“All this is accomplished through the harmonics of energy and sound. Remember our strengths and you will also know our weaknesses.”

Meaning: they are masters of harmonics and vibration, but can also be controlled and mastered by same.

I have to keep going, to learn what part I played in all this even though there's a wounded part of me that seeks not to know.


November 18, 2C022

Near midnight. Continuing to draw.

On a particular offense mission, one of many, we created a rift - a chaos moment - in which harm, destruction, co-opting could be done.  In that moment, it would seem that some mantids would come work for us on their own when in fact, this was a mind control program installed in the group/unity mind of the mantids at the time of bombing and gassing them in their labyrinth.

This is taking the blueprint of trauma-based mind control used on humans to the realm of the insectoids!

Also, this is a War of Consciousness in the truest, most literal sense in that we were fighting to overtake their consciousness and sovereignty (via frequency, vibration and corruption of their original light codes).  We were also using them as a test experiment, another MC program to see what could be done, what worked, how the process could be developed and used against other races for the classic service-to-self agenda of conquest and domination.


November 20, 2022

Late night before bed. I can feel the mantids again, especially since I worked on the drawing tonight. “We had to go down, deeper and deeper.  [They mean into their home, the labyrinth.]  Not up. We could not escape. The sounds were… (horrible), as if the end of our world were coming again.  We went down as far as we could but no faster we could go.”  

The feeling of this transmission is so big.  More is conveyed through empathic feeling rather than the linear word expression which is halting and unusually inept. I can feel a great trauma here, a tremendous wounding and a sadness. Some died, perished as if of fright.  I hear, “frequency rendered them dead.”

I see that our aim [with Mars Defense Force] was not to kill them all but, again, to… enslave, wreak havoc, experiment on them and see how we might exploit them.  Before it was said they were gassed but I hear noise from another dimension, a horrible screeching cacophony of frequency/vibration that worked in a more sophisticated way than gassing them.  

Ah, yes.  I see. The introduction of explosives of some kind and then frequency bombardment.  [!! Oh. No !!]

I understand suddenly that, through my strong empathic connection with the unified consciousness of the mantids, I'm feeling what the experience was like for them.  It's as if our sensate qualities are conjoined in some way.

I hear, “The mantids were the perfect project. (We could) experiment with new techniques, advances and they would… never, never wear out.”  I recall from days back what they'd said, "We are survivors.”  Indeed.

I say to the mantids, “I’m sorry this is what we’re talking about but... I know we need to.”  And hear, “Insufferable losses. Many families dies. Nowhere to escape to. Our frequencies could not entirely protect us.” Meaning their high level personal and collective energy field and also the one that was built into and around their subterranean labyrinth.

“To this we must bear witness. Victims and perpetrators were many.”  I see that over time, the mantids had many options about how they applied themselves and had some choice in the matter in a cosmic, big-picture kind of way,"sampling Creation’s bouquet," just as we humans do on Earth - experiencing both gain and loss, beauty and tragedy, various survival problems and triumphs as a way of learning.

For the mantids it was about “doing better the next time.” 

The transmission continues, “They could not ever wipe us out. We are above all survivors, adept at recovery and adjusting to new conditions, circumstances and game plans.”

What about the Elders? [I mean the mantid Elders, who seemed to keep the coherency of the entire group intact via frequency.]

“Some died, some lived. They protected those who were left.”  Ah, the ones that didn’t succumb to the damage of frequency infringement and the ensuing hampering of free will.  “Our signal is strong but when interrupted, harm can come, damage can be done. We are not invincible.”

I’m so sorry, I say telepathically.  They reply, “There is injury to you, don’t you see?” 

They mean my psychological pain. "Yes. Yes, I do..."

I want to know about these mantids now.  Do they survive on Mars? What is the new score?

“Our land and place has shrunk and been infringed upon. We travel and it is different now.”  I have a sense of time repeating itself. This, all this, staying in one place in... ‘time," replaying over and over.  “Such is the nature of events.  So it can be revisited.  Time is malleable and in a sense, without purpose. What is now, what was ‘then’?  What was gained and what was lost?  There can be a change of events.”

And yes, maybe that’s why we speak of this now, to bring fresh air and new life to an old and repetitive scene. I’m sorry if I caused harm and was part of harm done.

“There can be no recompense. Battles lost, battles won. The end is the beginning. The challenge is to allow new life to occur, cling to nothing done or undone. This is the superior understanding. And so it is done. Our commitment, One to One, is clear now.”  

Ah, yes, it’s why we are in communion here in the present - to gain understanding and make amends of a sort. This is a new beginning indeed. And I feel the truth of our essences, ‘theirs’ and ‘mine’, shining forth into a new age, something restored.

I’m aware of and enjoying the blending of my own memory with communiques from the mind of the mantids, as well as the indistinct quality of us and them. ♥

"In Unity shall we be."

May dignity touch all races and may all beings be free;

the light of truth and coherent communion guiding us on.

~Rebecca Rose, Alaska 2022

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© Rebecca Rose Barfoot 2023

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